A live, online event taking place at 4pm on 18th March to hear about some exciting new technical construction apprenticeship vacancies in Cornwall.
Click here to book: Cornwall Recruitment Drive for Technical Apprentices Tickets, Thu 18 Mar 2021 at 16:00 | Eventbrite
This hour long event will include an informal presentation, followed by a question and answer session on the new technical construction apprenticeship opportunities (civil engineering, construction design & build, quantity surveying, construction engineering & site supervisor)
being launched in Cornwall in 2021.
Potential candidates, parents/carers, careers advisors and tutors/teachers are invited to join us as we introduce; Shared Apprenticeships, the apprenticeship vacancies, the training course, the professional construction roles available and to hear from current and past apprentices.
This event is being hosted by Julia Coulton & Nadia Connabeer of Shared Apprenticeships, Stephen Roberts from Building Cornwall, Cathie Kessell from Cornwall Apprenticeships, Paul Nicholls from Midas Construction, Michelle Cockburn from Institute of Civil Engineers and Tom Taylor from Kier Construction.
Potential candidates for these vacancies may include, but are not limited to: school leavers, college leavers/students, graduates, females, current tradespeople, trade apprentices looking to progress. Plus, all ages with an interest in maths, design or management who have either not yet considered a career in construction, or already have a keen interest in working in the sector.
We hope you can join us at 4pm on 18th March where you can learn more, ask any questions and find out how to apply for these new apprenticeship vacancies.
To book your place, register to attend via Eventbrite and you will receive joining instructions via email to attend this online event.
For further information please contact Nadia Connabeer, telephone: 07753 616430 Email: nadia.connabeer@swsharedapprenticeships.com