Censure Statement 14/04/2021

Censure Statement made at the meeting of Gwennap Parish Council 14th April 2021


At a meeting of Gwennap Parish Council (‘the Parish Council’) held on 14 April 2021, the Parish Council resolved to accept and adopt the findings and recommendation of the Assessment Decision Notice CCNO32/20/21 (‘the Notice’) issued by the Corporate and InformationGovernance Manager of Cornwall Council on behalf of the Monitoring Officer and dated 16 March 2021.

The Notice sets out that Councillor Lanyon acted in breach of the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct (‘the Code’) in the following respects:

  1. (i)  That, contrary to paragraph 2.1 of the Code, Councillor Lanyon failed to treat others with respect in that he argued with Cornwall Councillor Kaczmarek about the existenceand/or seriousness of covid 19 when the latter’s brother was seriously ill in hospital with the disease; and

  2. (ii)  That, contrary to paragraph 2.1 of the Code, Councillor Lanyon failed to treat others with respect in that he called for the former Chair of the Parish Council, Sue Patton, to be‘judged by (her) peers’ in respect of a complaint he had against her which had already been fully and properly investigated by the Monitoring Officer of Cornwall Council and been found not to have any justification or basis whatsoever. This was not fair or acceptable conduct.

  1. (iii)  That, contrary to paragraph 2.10 of the Code, as a result of

    the said breaches, he has brought his office into disrepute.

  2. (iv)  That, contrary to paragraph 2.5 of the Code, as a result of the said breaches, he has failed to promote and maintain high standards of conduct.

In respect of the said breaches of the Code, the Notice required Councillor Lanyon to either appeal against the findings within 14 days or to apologise to both Cornwall Councillor Kaczmarek and former Parish Council Chair, Sue Patton, within 28 days of the date of the Notice. That period expired yesterday and Councillor Lanyon has failed either to appeal against the findings or to apologise to either individual.

Having resolved to accept the findings and recommendation of the Notice, the Parish Council hereby formally censures Councillor Lanyon in respect of his said conduct. In doing so the Parish Council makes the following observations:

  • It is noted with regret that this is the second time in 14 months that Councillor Lanyon has been formally censured by the Parish Council following investigations into his conduct.

  • The Parish Council’s reputation has been adversely impacted by Councillor Lanyon’s conduct which has had a consequential impact on the Parish Council’s work and its ability to attract people who may seek to serve as Parish Councillors.

  • The Parish Council disassociates itself from the statements and conduct of Councillor Lanyon in respect of both Cornwall Councillor Kaczmarek and former Parish Council Chair, Sue Patton, who have both served this Parish with integrity and distinction.

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